Thursday, July 26, 2007

Japanese may buy much more oil

Japanese officials agreed to work with UN inspectors after a powerful earthquake shut down the country’s largest nuclear plant and raised fresh concerns about its nuclear sector.
I dont care about the safe of the plants. I care about the oil price.
The earthquake caused radioactive spills and other problems reportedly compounded by employee error.
All fifty-five Japanese nuclear plants have this kind of vulnerability,” a Kobe University seismologist told USA Today.
So, the 50 plants may be closed very soon.
The incident follows last year’s order from a judge to shut down Japan’s second-largest plant because it was not earthquake ready.
A series of other high-profile nuclear accidents, including in 1999 and 2004, create a growing quandary for Japan—the world’s third-largest consumer of nuclear power behind the United States and France.
Japanese are using a lot of nuclear power.
If japanese change to use oil instead ...
Environmental advocates were quick to assert that the latest incident means nuclear power is unsafe.
Japan is not the only country in the world that has built nuclear power plants on or near fault lines.
The Philippine government pays $155,000 a day in interest on a nuclear facility never put into operation because it was built near major fault lines.
Energy-starved Armenia continues to run its Metsamor nuclear plant despite a nearby fault line and the safety concerns of European Union and U.S. officials.
A 1988 quake in the region killed twenty-five thousand people.
Oil price will keep on going up...all over the wrold ..
In the United States, two watchdog groups want to close a Michigan nuclear plant, which they believe fails to adhere to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s earthquake safety regulations for waste handling.
Concerns about earthquakes also threaten U.S. plans to build a nuclear waste repository in Nevada’s Yucca Mountain.
and, dont forget, China will use much more oil in the coming years.
Buy oil ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is it time to buy oil company shares??